Supporting the Community
We are grateful for the goodwill donations and support of our community and friends.
Helping our Community
The Orthodox Parish of the Archangel Gabriel is funded entirely by its members and their efforts through fundraising events. The Community holds services almost daily, does charitable works and pays for the upkeep of the church.
If you can, please consider helping the Community by making a donation.
Donations can be made directly in church, or via a standing order to:
The Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Christian Trust,
Bank of Scotland,
Sort code: 80-22-60
Account: 15894660
If you are a taxpayer, then you can use Gift Aid to increase the value of your donation to us by 25% with no cost to you by filling out this Gift Aid form and sending it to our treasurer.
The Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Christian Trust – SCO47220 - The community is a recognised charitable organisation.
Please support your community!
As you will know, the pandemic has been a disruptive and financially trying time for charities. In our case, The Archangel Gabriel Parish does not receive any outside support from bodies such as the Archdiocese, so we as a community are solely responsible for all running expenses, charitable giving, and church upkeep. We normally provide these through the generosity of individual donors, and through our volunteer-run fundraising efforts. However, when health advice and regulations closed the church or reduced the number permitted to attend services, we faced acute financial difficulty as cash donations dropped off or stopped completely.
As our Parish is now growing again, we are in a position to start looking for a bigger church building, but as you can imagine, the cost of this is huge. We are working hard on fundraising activities to help support this move, but any donation is extremely helpful!
We know that, in addition to charities, the pandemic has also been a difficult time for many people's personal finances. However, if you have the ability to support us on a more regular basis, the most effective way is to set up a monthly standing order. These regular offerings support all the important activities of the community as well as stabilising financial planning for both parties. If you already have a standing order in place: thank you!
Become a Supporter or Sponsor
If you would like to make a donation or become a sponsor and have your company credited here, please get in touch.